Bordeaux, contemporary art, exhibition, film

Alejandro Jodorowsky, Totally

Alejandro Jodorowsky, poster for El Topo, 1970

Alejandro Jodorowsky, poster for El Topo, 1970

The Franco-Chilean artist Alejandro Jodorowsky has so many facets, so many different talents that we can usually only apprehend one fragment or two of his œuvre. For some of us, Jodorowsky is the author of several comic books and graphic novels, including The Incal with his longtime brother-in-arms Mœbius. For others, he is a writer and a poet. For many, he is a figure of contemporary theater, and a mime alongside Marcel Marceau. For most, he is a filmmaker, the author of revolutionary, magical, and unsettling movies (El Topo in particular). For a few esthetes keen on esotericism, he is a Tarot master. Jodorowsky is also one of the few rare artists who are capable of turning Twitter into a poetic medium today. And the list goes on, for instance with his performances-happenings (taking place currently as well) or with his Fabulas Panicas. Continue reading
